Weaving into Earth
My essence is etheric, it has always been easy for me to connect to guides in the higher realms. With time I have deepened my connection to my greater self and my etheric essence weaves as much down into the earth as it does out into the universe. Just as the magnetic field change polarity, my own poles are shifting. What seemed to be found above is now to be found below, and what felt as it was found outside was always available inside. Even though many are still awakening and ascending, many of us have felt and are feeling how we have entered a time of descension, grounding deep within ourselves and into the Earth. This is where we can find it all.
It started 10 years ago, after having downloads of information my intuition guided me to specific locations for connecting, communicating, and sharing. The energy work I do is rarely ceremonial nor dramatic or complicated, it is based on me connecting deep with the earth and exchanging codes in different forms, in other words just being open. After a while I usually discern a pattern of the work, sometimes I receive clarifying information from my greater self about the exchange, sometimes there is no need for clarifications, it just is. I believe we all are continuously exchanging codes between each other and the Earth, just with different level of awareness. It is a very natural process that might seem abstract since most of us can’t see or touch this form of exchange, but as we allow ourselves to feel and trust, it is the most natural thing in the world.
After working with activating and aligning nodes of the earth during two trips to Egypt a couple of years ago, I started to see the geographical and geometrical patterns I had been working with, and this calling is now growing. In my perspective, the earth is a consciousness of its own, transforming and upgrading in an intense period of transformation, just like we are. We are a part of her. We are mirrors of each other, she grows, and we grow. Just like a software upgrade we need to reboot and reconnect and dissolve some redundant cords and timelines on the way.
Just like different star systems and humans hold keys to our system, geographical spots do the same, they hold keys to our body, soul and spirit. Likewise, we hold keys for the earth. Some sacred spots hold a stronger and more specific vibration and communication for us to align with, like portals between these interconnected layers. This is a time for us to reconnect and deepen our alignment with earth, and to start co-creating the New together with her. I am following my calling on where to travel and do this work. I am also inviting you to Alignments Retreats for gathering and co-creation. Each selected retreat spot plays a specific role in our individual alignment and in the collective nodal alignment process, each Alignment Retreat will hold a specific theme. You will all be able to tune into and align to the different energies and vibrations by reading about them here in the Reflection area and by connecting to some of them through recorded and guided alignments, find alignments here. This work will be shared freely, so that anyone who want to partake in this work can do so. I will allow this work to develop with time, there is no linearity of this work, it is a weaving. All work is done with the same intent on different but interconnected layers; to create greater alignment. I started my official nodal journey of alignment in Svalbard 22022022.
The word human means Earth or Earthling. I believe our greatest and most divine task is to come back to the knowing that we are earth. To reclaim that all that we today call “alternative”, “spiritual”, “magic”, “beyond” or “the unknown” is as a natural state for being human and living our true nature. We are meant to be conscious of energies and vibrations, we are meant to navigate dimensions, we are meant to use our intuition and gifts and all of our senses, we are meant to communicate with all kinds of energies. It is not separate worlds and it does not have to be complicated. Nature is my greatest medicine and I am a big believer in the importance of laughter, nourishment, sound, breathe, physical movement and immersing in nature in the transformational work, just as in everyday life. We are weaving our Essence into the depth of the Earth.